[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Baby's First INTERCAL Program

This was my first exercise in INTERCAL programming. It counts down from 500 (you can change that value in the first line) all the way down to one. It's that simple!
    PLEASE DO .4 <- #500
    PLEASE DO (8003) NEXT
    (8000) DO FORGET #1
    DO (8002) NEXT
    (8001) DO (8000) NEXT
    (8002) PLEASE READ OUT .4
    DO STASH .1 + .2 + .3
    DO .1 <- .4
    DO .2 <- #1
    PLEASE (1010) NEXT
    DO .4 <- .3
    DO RETRIEVE .1 + .2 + .3
    DO RESUME '?"'.4~.4'~#1"$#2'~#3
    (8003) DO (8001) NEXT
The implementation of INTERCAL that I used to test and run this program comes from The Retrocomputing Museum and was written by Eric S. Raymond, who is the curator.

Intercal Links

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